We suggest ordering 4 feet for shorter names, and you may want to consider longer for longer names.
Note that the height of the letters will be proportional to the number of letters. So, if you have lots of letters in your sign, you may want to go longer to get taller letters. (This is one of those intuitive things that makes sense when you think about it, but not so obvious.☺️ )
The sign company can usually provide an estimate of height.
The signs get bright at night, so we recommend a dimmer. (Note: dimmers don't come with batteries, so please open up the box and install some batteries.)
As for mounting, a few options:
Industria - we can zip tie to the grid. Behind the bar, there is a hook to hang on.
Two-Sixty - there's a way to hang behind the bar with a chain and carabiner (or tie wrap.)